Tuesday, April 24, 2007


These questions are collected from some site and I feel they are interesting & should be discussed here.
Consider the following statements with respect to user-level threads and kernel-supported threads

  1. Context switch is faster with kernel-supported threads
  2. For user-level threads, a system call can block the entire process
  3. Kernel-supported threads can be scheduled independently
  4. User-level threads are transparent to the kernel


These question are collected from some sites & I feel these are interesting to be discussed here.
1. How does the Java virtual machine handle the problem of name collisions, where two different classes have the same name?

  1. The VM assigns a pseudo name to each class.
  2. Name collisions are illegal - they are treated as exceptions.
  3. The VM cannot distinguish between two different classes with the same name
  4. The VM treats different classes loaded by different class loaders as different types, even if

2. What guarantees does the Java Virtual Machine1 Specification make regarding objects that provide a finalize method?
  1. These objects are given priority during garbage collection.
  2. The finalize method is called before the object is collected
  3. The finalize method is called after the object is collected
  4. The object is collected directly after the finalize method is called.


1. How to find common elements in two files that contains million of records.
ans : using B trees ( B+ or B* depending on application)
2. Better algorithms to find Array elements such that sum of 3 numbers will be equal to given number X.
Ans : known answer is O(n^2).
3. How do you find duplicates in the given array of size K and contains number form 0 to n-1. with complexity O(n) and constant space
Ans : very easy :
important step : for i = 1->n a[a[i]] == a[i]; if( a[i] !=i ) ->duplicate
else swap a[i] ,a[a[i]] and go to previous step
3. Now how about if this restriction of intergers from 0 to n-1 are removed.
Ans :
tough: ( i will deeply apprecate if anybody comes with better idea)
important step : use unique factorization . define P(x) = y where y is prime number positioned for number x. for example P(1) =2 ; P(2) =3; p(3) =5 ...
factorization_result = 1 ; for i = 1 ->k factorization_result * = P(i) ;
Now factorize : factorization_result = y1 * y2 * ....Yn ; where yi = yi+j for some j
if such j exist then P^-1 (yi) is duplicated.
Note : Partical implementation is not easy. as P(x) itself doesn't work great for large x
Now, there is other solution also suggested:
idea : multiHeader list